Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Entry 1

My name is Kathryn and I'm taking this class because I like to watch movies, and I need another language arts credit. I'm also in Mass Media but I like this class better. For this semester my goal is to get a good grade in this class along with all my other classes and to graduate.

I don't know what to write about so I'm going to write about my favorite movies. My favorite movie ever is Moulin Rouge. I love that movie and Nicole Kidman is one of my favorite actresses. The songs in that movie are also really good and I sang one of those songs for a singing recital I had awhile back. I also like the movie Bruce Almighty. Jim Carey is also one of my favorite actors. He is the funniest actor ever in my opinion. All of his movies keep me laughing. I love the movie Bring It On, one because I know pretty much all the lines in it and sencond because Kirsten Dunst is another one of my favorite actresses. I'm not really into old movies or black and white movies or movies with subtitles. I saw Pan's Labyrinth, or however you spell it, and I really did like that movie even though it was all in another language. I would reccomend that movie to anyone who doesn't like subtitles because it's good either way.

That's it, I don't know what else to write... I hope this is long enough.

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